What Our Patients are Saying

Jordan Clark- "I can't say enough amazing things, so I will TRY to keep it short. 3 years of challenging medical experiences with my son. Heartbreaking to say the least. The last 18 months of those three years were filled with medical professionals of multiple disciplines who either would not, or could not help my son. Keeping hope was difficult to say the least. Until Dr. Lowe. On the very first appointment, he reviewed years worth of medical records (we came to him quite prepared). He immediately gave us a suspected cause for the challenges and worked with us to chart a course for treatment. We discussed several different options, prioritized them based on our comfort levels and began implementation as soon as the updated blood work came back to validate his diagnosis, which was right on the mark. We began treatment on our first course, and it was exactly the right path, and the results arrived in the exact amount of time that Dr. Lowe advised us. We had one concern a couple weeks into the treatment, and Dr. Lowe was extremely prompt to respond, and we slightly adjusted our course and effectively accommodated the concern. It as now been nearly 4 months since our first visit and things continue to go amazingly well. The relief that we have as to our son's condition is indescribable, as is the comfort that we have that no matter what the future has in store, we have the right person on our team to help us navigate the waters. Thank you, Dr. Lowe. You are an amazing individual. "

Alexandra Doherty- "This place is amazing!! I have never felt such compassion and care from a doctor. Dr Lowe is available to help your child and Rosie is just as amazing. I am so happy to have you helping my son!!!!"

Lectisia Romero- "My 8 year daughter was diagnosed in July with JIA, she was dragging her feet to walk, could no longer dress herself or hold her plate. Dr. Lowe patiently sat, listened, answered my many questions and started treatment. My daughter is doing great, she's jumping, running, holding her own plate now. Dr. Lowe and Rosie have been there for me at all hours of day to assist as needed the customer service I receive from them is exceptional!!!! They treat you more like family than patient/caregiver. Thank you for all you do Dr. Lowe and Rosie!"

Alfredo Osegueda- "We have been fighting juvenile arthritis with my daughter for going on 6 years now and finally found a local doctor that will take care of your kid like he's own. Dr. Lowe and his staff are amazing very helpful and knowledgeable definitely happy that he is seeing our girl, we still have some work to do to get her to be 100% healthy but we are sure that with his help we will achieve it. If your kid (s) are going trough similar issues give them a call I'm sure they can help."

Ana Ortiz- "Hace unos meses atrás mi hijo fue diagnosticado con Artritis juvenil solo tiene 11 años pero gracias a Dios nos puso en el camino correcto hacia el doctor Lowe, Rosy y la chica de las infusiones q con su ayuda y tratamiento para mi hijo a mejorado increíblemente cuando escuchamos de esta enfermedad en mi niño solo me preguntaba a mí misma!! por q a mi hijo lo veía tan débil y enfermo q por momentos llegue a pensar q moriría hoy a cuatro meses de tratamiento puedo decir q Dios A puesto sus manos y su corazón atravez de este doctor estamos inmensamente agradecidos con él por todo el trabajo y conocimiento q ha echo con mi hijo cuando nos falto esperanza y creímos q todo estaba perdido el Dr Lowe ha estado ahí con nosotros demostrando su calidez humana en verdad q te hace sentir como su familia estoy infinita mente agradecida de ver a mi hijo mucho mejor les comparto el antes y después de AlEJANDRO aveses la vida nos pone pruebas difíciles a través de nuestros hijos ; hoy quiero expresar q nunca hay q perder la fe por q la fe mueve montañas y mientras tengamos vida siempre hay una esperanza ."

Laura Lindstrom- "Dr. Lowe is a fabulous doctor. He listens to his patients/parents and isn't afraid to take on complex kiddos who likely aren't going to be easy to diagnose."
Noel Jones- "My daughter has been diagnosed with alopecia areata, she’s had this since she was 4, she’s 13 now and has completely lost her hair, it’s been very challenging not only entering a very fragile stage (preteens) of her life but beginning of a young ladies years looking forward to a lot has diminished all hope for her. Until Dr. Lowe! He has been a God send, nothing short of amazing with the treatments she’s currently on, since this happened in October of last year to now we’ve seen some results snail paced but still a big leap compared to what she didn’t have (literally) a year ago. We’re working with his regimen and I cannot tell you how true to his profession, and knowledge he is well versed in, and has made me a believer in his work (which by the way my daughter and I have recently registered this on the FDA’s registry), for patients with this illness since it’s been an outbreak more and more now to know there is help. Dr. Lowe’s passion in his work, is very evident in his sincerity for his patients, but the scope of his expertise is so down to earth in laymen’s term makes one understanding so comfortable in any illness I feel, for me it was second nature, my daughter couldn’t have asked for a better doctor, we’re from out of town and experiencing the shortage of good, knowledgeable and caring doctors here in Vegas (not very many who deal with minors by the way), this town is very fortunate to have Dr. Lowe and of course behind him his wonderful staff Rosie, congratulations looking forward to bigger things coming your way, stay true to your passion Dr. Lowe, I know it’s blessed us and many more to come. THANK YOU!!"

Christi Henderson- "We are so grateful that Dr. Lowe has come to the Vegas Valley. I can’t even begin to imagine where we would be right now without him. He came to us after we had been in the hospital for the third time and no one could figure out what was happening to our baby. He has ensured she has had THE best care anyone could offer. He is thorough and COMPASSIONATE! Which is very hard to find. We’ve lived in Vegas for 30+ years and have never had great experiences with Drs. So when our daughter fell extremely ill, we were terrified of how we would come out of this. He jumped right in and hasn’t stopped fighting for her. He is ALWAYS available to us WHENEVER we need him. Literally 24/7. He figured out that she is suffering from an EXTREMELY rare disease, one that normally takes an average of 5-6 years to diagnose. He has managed to wade through it in a matter of months, literally saving our daughter’s life. We owe him everything. He’s not afraid to hit this with everything he has and won’t give up on her. We are adjusting to our new normal and still trying to understand what all of this means for our 4 year olds future BUT with Dr. Lowe in our corner, we know that she has one!! ."